When you owe money to a company, they may engage in collections efforts in order to compel you to pay back what you owe. If you don't have any money to give them or if the amount you pay is less than what they want, they will become increasingly aggressive in their...
Month: June 2020
Credit card traps everyone should know about
Credit cards are wonderfully convenient -- and that’s how they are designed. The credit card companies want you to forget about carrying cash so that you’ll yank out those cards and use them for everything from lunches with your friends to impulse buys online. In...
What are the pros and cons of a Chapter 7 bankruptcy?
When facing insurmountable debt, most Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania, residents do not know where to turn for real help. Unfortunately, many ignore their debt and the inevitable calls and letters demanding payment. While debt does not just disappear, you can find a...
Police say driver was speeding before fatal collision
Pennsylvania police recently arrested a 23-year-old man in connection with a tragedy that took place last fall. The man is facing multiple charges in connection with the fatal collision that took the life of a man who traveling in another vehicle at the time. Whether...
Seeking bankruptcy could help you get the fresh start you need
Bankruptcy is something that may scare some people, but it’s actually a very helpful legal protection. There are various kinds of bankruptcy, with both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 being used by consumers. Chapter 7 bankruptcy, which you may know as liquidation...
Fatal collision at Co-Go’s in Pennsylvania
While there is typically less traffic on Pennsylvania roadways after midnight, the wee hours of the morning can still be dangerous for travelers. If a collision occurs, it does not matter what time of day or night it happens to be, the result can be disastrous. Sadly,...