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Evey Black Attorneys

You are never too old to file for bankruptcy

On Behalf of | Jul 20, 2020 | Chapter 7 Bankruptcy |

Remember your parents telling you to be careful with your money, build up your savings and stay clear of debt? They came from a different generation where that was easier.

You worked hard all your life, but it was still not enough. Now you are approaching retirement, mired in debt with no chance of paying it off. It may be time to consider bankruptcy.

Before you feel bad or feel like you let your parents down, take a look around you. Thousands of people are filing for bankruptcy. Big businesses are throwing in the towel. Even J.C. Penney has done it. They opened around the same time your grandparents were born at the turn of the century. So, please do not feel bad about it.

A recent study by the University of Illinois found that between 1991 and 2016, the number of over 65-year-olds filing for bankruptcy has risen by a staggering 204%. Six out of 10 of these did so because they could not pay their medical debts.

These are tough times, and you are not going to be able to work forever. If you can clear your debts, it gives you a few years to scrape some savings together to sustain you throughout the rest of your life.

A Hollidaysburg bankruptcy attorney can explain more about how the process works. They can explain the different types of bankruptcy available and if you will be able to keep your home or your car. You deserve to enjoy retirement, not spend it worrying about who is knocking on your door.

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