If you are going to file for bankruptcy, one of the best things that you can do is to create a new budget that accurately reflects what you earn and what expenses you have. Start with those expenses that are unavoidable and happen every month, such as the rent or your...
Consumer Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy can stop creditor lawsuits before a judgment
When you owe money to a company, they may engage in collections efforts in order to compel you to pay back what you owe. If you don't have any money to give them or if the amount you pay is less than what they want, they will become increasingly aggressive in their...
Credit card traps everyone should know about
Credit cards are wonderfully convenient -- and that’s how they are designed. The credit card companies want you to forget about carrying cash so that you’ll yank out those cards and use them for everything from lunches with your friends to impulse buys online. In...
Seeking bankruptcy could help you get the fresh start you need
Bankruptcy is something that may scare some people, but it’s actually a very helpful legal protection. There are various kinds of bankruptcy, with both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 being used by consumers. Chapter 7 bankruptcy, which you may know as liquidation...